Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Member Terbaik Yg Aku Ada..

Hour 2353

aku sdg berchatting...
tgh2 hepy berchatting nie,
tetibe aku tau sesuatu...
mmg best...
aku xpernah alami bende2 mcm nie...
something yg wat aku tersenyum lebar...
aku ada mmbr yg sgt baik n sgt2 memahami...
bkn sng tau nk ada mmbr mcm nie...
seronok giler...
dah hampir 21 tahun aku hidup,
akhirnye aku jumpa jugak sahabat sejati...
korunk mesti jeles kan sbb xde mmbr mcm mmbr2 aku??
cian korunk...
sentiasa nasihatkan aku n bg idea2 yg best...
tq tau...
aku syg korunk sumer...
korunk la mmbr aku dunia akhirat...
semoga hidup korunk aman...

Monday, February 9, 2009


1. Are you Available?
♥ no :)

2. What is your Age?
♥ 21

3. When is your Birthday?
♥ August 27

4. What's your favorite Chocolate?
♥ White Chocolate. Some nice brand would do.

5. Do you Daydream?
♥ used to. nowadays, no time.

6. What's your favorite kind of Dog?
♥ Collie!

7. What Day of the week is it?
♥ Monday..gosh,tomorrow have claz.

8. Have you ever been in the Emergency
♥ Yes

9. Did you have a crush that starts with the letter E?
♥ Err. I don't remember. Do I? :D

10. Favorite Flower?
♥ Roses & Passion flowers

11. Do you chew Gum?
♥ Yes, always

12. Are you a Giver or a Taker?
♥ Depends.

13. What's your Height?
♥ 185 cm..same tinggi ngan beckham

14. What color is your Hair?
♥ Dark brown

15. What's your favorite flavor of Ice cream?
♥ Vanilla n chocolate chip

16. Have you ever Ice skated?
♥ Yup,tp sejak2 kurang upaya nie,xlg dah.

17. Do you play music Instrument?
♥ Organ,piano,keyboard n drums.

18. Have you ever heard a really hilarious Joke?
♥ yeahhhhh a lottt

19. Do you wear Jewelry?
♥ yup! my must-have is a ring! :) hahahaha

20. Do you want Kids?
♥ yup

21. Where is your Kindergarten?
♥ Pandan jaya n taman megah.

22. Have you ever lied to your parents?
♥ Pernah, saya akuinya.

23. Last Movie you watched?
♥ HIsteria

24. Do you still watch Disney Movies?
♥ yeap.

25. Do you like Mangoes?
♥ yes!

26. Do you have a nickname?
♥ yes. syfx,tonet(kat kg jer gne nama tu),jatz.

27. What's your favorite number?
♥ 7,23 & 32.

28. Do you prefer Night over day?
♥ yup!

29. What is your wish?
♥ To have a good life :)

30. What is one fear you are most paranoid about?
♥ Being in fear itself

31. Are you quick (to) judge people?
♥ Not so. I tend to give people 2nd & 3rd chances! >.<>

Love you!!!

Cute Emo Cartoons

My Cute Love

What Characteristics that you want in a gurl? How do I observed my CUTE LOVE? Here are my lists…
1. First of all that gurl must be very open minded
2. Have education background
3. Caring
4. Love to make jokes
5. Can share problems and ideas ( good conversation )
6. Understands my situation
7. Can be my best friend and my partner as well
8. Nice smile
9. Matured
10. Love myself more than other thing
11. Very ambitious toward his study and future career
12. Can make me happy
13. Can accept my friends as their friends too.
14. Love Kids and Cute stuff. =)
15. Respect other people’s feelings
16. Willing to share everything from food to problems.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Assgmnt Valentine!!!

Lawa la plak teddy nie...
sesuai la kot utk assgmnt computer graphic sem nie...
baru idea jer..
bile nk mula pun xtau la...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


1. What song could be wani's theme song?
Fall 4 u

2. Can aslam be bad influence?
i dont thing so

3. Who is nana's best friend?
what i know is ili,wani,n syera...maybe

4. If zatty and syera were locked in the same (really small) room for longer than a day, what would most likely happen?
they will be die because not enough O2

5. Do you miss ipin?
nope..perlu ker??im not gay...hahahahah

6. ili is actually aslam in disguise, you know.
wtf??mengamuk la fadhil...

7. What would syera not be caught dead in?
no idea...hahahahah

8. What was your first impression of ash?

9. What advice would you give fadhil?
take care of ili...ok??

10. shimi just got vaporized in a freak accident. Now what?
have been dumb with the f**king gurl cal WANIE...

Monday, February 2, 2009

1st day sem3...

Just ada satu perkataan jer yg boleh diungkap pd ari pertama klaz...
the word is...